Compliance FAQ


“Content” means materials, information, news, advertisements, listings, data, input, text, songs, audio, video, pictures, graphics, software, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, broadcasts, messages, software, comments, suggestions, ideas and other content.
“Insight Providers” means any third party who writes and publishes Content on the Site.
“Site” means the Smartkarma website ( containing the link to these Terms & Conditions.
“Smartkarma” means Smartkarma Innovations Pte. Ltd.
“Third Party Products” means products and services of third parties, including other users, advertised on or available at the Site or websites linked from the Site.
“User Content” means all Content on this Site which is created, transmitted, posted or uploaded by a user of the Site.

Smartkarma operates (“Site”), a platform where Insight Providers can contribute their opinions (“User Content”) based on public information. Smartkarma is not registered with any regulatory body in Singapore or any other jurisdiction. Smartkarma falls under the category of an Internet Content Provider (ICP), under the Media Development Authority’s (MDA) Class Licence Scheme, which is defined as a. any individual in Singapore who provides 

1. What is Smartkarma?

Smartkarma operates (“Site”), a platform where Insight Providers can contribute their opinions (“User Content”) based on public information.

Smartkarma is not registered with any regulatory body in Singapore or any other jurisdiction.

Smartkarma falls under the category of an Internet Content Provider (ICP), under the Media Development Authority’s (MDA) Class Licence Scheme, which is defined as a. any individual in Singapore who provides 
a. any individual in Singapore who provides any programme, for business, political or religious purposes, on the World Wide Web through the Internet; or
b. any corporation or group of individuals who provides any programme on the World Wide Web through the Internet,
and includes any web publisher and any web server administrator.

ICPs are generally automatically class licensed and there is no active requirement to register with the MDA.
As as licensee of the Internet Class Licence Scheme, Smartkarma is required to comply with the Class Licence Conditions, including as follows:
a. comply with the laws of Singapore at all times;
b. assist MDA in the investigation into any breach of its licence or any alleged violation of any law committed by the licensee or any other person, and produce such information, records, documents, data or other materials as may be required by the MDA for the purpose of the investigation;
c. keep and furnish to MDA all information, records, documents data or other materials concerning or relating to the provision of its service as MDA may, from time to time, require;
d. use its best efforts to ensure that its service complies with such Code of Practice (discussed in the next Section) as MDA may issue from time to time;
e. use its best efforts to ensure that its service is not used for any purpose, and does not contain any programme that is against the public interest, public order or national harmony, or offends against good taste or decency; and
f. remove, or prohibit the broadcast of, the whole or any part of a programme included in its service if MDA informs the licensee that the broadcast of the whole or part of the programme is contrary to a Code of Practice applicable to the licensee, or the programme is against the public interest, public order or national harmony / offends against good taste or decency.

Further, an ICP who provides a webpage on the World Wide Web through the Internet to which other persons are invited to contribute or post programmes shall use its best efforts to ensure that programmes conform with such applicable Code of Practice as MDA may issue from time to time. To this end, all Insight Providers are required to sign an Insight Provider Agreement, before being allowed to publish on the Site, agreeing that the content that they publish shall exclude prohibited material, as defined in the Internet Code of Practice by MDA as follows:

A)Prohibited material is material that is objectionable on the grounds of public interest, public morality, public order, public security, national harmony, or is otherwise prohibited by applicable Singapore laws.

B) In considering what is prohibited material, the following factors should be taken into account:­
a. whether the material depicts nudity or genitalia in a manner calculated to titillate;
b. whether the material promotes sexual violence or sexual activity involving coercion or non­consent of any kind;
c. whether the material depicts a person or persons clearly engaged in explicit sexual activity;
d. whether the material depicts a person who is, or appears to be, under 16 years of age in sexual activity, in a sexually provocative manner or in any other offensive manner;
e. whether the material advocates homosexuality or lesbianism, or depicts or promotes incest, paedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia;
f. whether the material depicts detailed or relished acts of extreme violence or cruelty;
g. whether the material glorifies, incites or endorses ethnic, racial or religious hatred, strife or intolerance.

The Insight Provider Agreement includes a clause stating that the content that is published on the Site must
a. be accurate (where they state facts);
b. be genuinely held (where they state opinions);
c. comply with applicable law in any country from which they are posted;
d. comply with Singapore law.

The Insight Provider Agreement also states that the content that is published on the Site must not
a. contain or be based on non­public, material information;
b. contain any material which is defamatory of any person;
c. contain any material which is obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory;
d. promote sexually explicit material;
e. promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
f. infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person;
g. be likely to deceive any person;
h. be made in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence;
i. promote any illegal activity;
j. be threatening, abuse or invade another’s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;
k. be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person;
l. be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person;
m. give the impression that they emanate from Smartkarma;
n. advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act such as (by the way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse.

2. Does Smartkarma give investment advice? Is Smartkarma registered or required to register as a financial adviser?

According to the Monetary Authority of Singapore, financial advisers provide services such as advising others on investment products, issuance of research reports covering investment products, marketing of any collective investment schemes, as well as arranging life policies for others.

As Smartkarma does not provide any of these services, it is not required to hold a financial advisory licence.The ideas that are posted on the Site are generic ideas, similar to what one might find in other publications, rather than personalised investment advice and any follow up or input is posted for general reviews by users of the Site.

Smartkarma is not a broker/dealer, investment/financial adviser under Singapore law or securities laws of other jurisdictions and does not advise individuals or entities as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities or other financial products or services. This Site is not intended to provide tax, legal or investment advice, and nothing on this Site should be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security. The content on the Site is offered only for general information, discussion and entertainment purposes. 

3. How does it work?

Our in­house algorithm recommends insights that we think our clients are interested in based on the content verticals that the client has chosen in the Settings page, as well as the insights that the clients read on the platform.

4. How is Smartkarma different from traditional providers of insight? The market for investment insight has traditionally been dominated by big banks and brokers, who restrict access to their fee­paying customers in their model of bundling research and trading commissions. This means that brokerages and banks make recommendations that are in their best interest but not always yours.

5. Are Insight Providers on the Site required to register as financial advisers as a result of their participation on Smartkarma? Each Insight Provider is responsible for his or her own analysis of the compliance obligations applicable to himself or herself under Singapore law and any other applicable law. Insight Providers are not expected to provide personalised investment advice on the Site and may be entitled to the same ICP exemption that Smartkarma enjoys.

6. Do Insight Providers have to disclose whether or not they have a position in the stock that they wrote about? Yes. When writing an article, Insight Providers are asked if they have a position in the stock that they wrote about. Their reply is included in the article when it is published ie. it is visible to anyone who accesses the article whether or not the Insight Provider has a position in the stock that they wrote about.

4. How is Smartkarma different from traditional providers of insight?

The market for investment insight has traditionally been dominated by big banks and brokers, who restrict access to their fee­paying customers in their model of bundling research and trading commissions.

This means that brokerages and banks make recommendations that are in their best interest but not always yours.

5. Are Insight Providers on the Site required to register as financial advisers as a result of their participation on Smartkarma?

Each Insight Provider is responsible for his or her own analysis of the compliance obligations applicable to himself or herself under Singapore law and any other applicable law. Insight Providers are not expected to provide personalised investment advice on the Site and may be entitled to the same ICP exemption that Smartkarma enjoys.

6. Do Insight Providers have to disclose whether or not they have a position in the stock that they wrote about?

Yes. When writing an article, Insight Providers are asked if they have a position in the stock that they wrote about. Their reply is included in the article when it is published ie. it is visible to anyone who accesses the article whether or not the Insight Provider has a position in the stock that they wrote about.

7. Is any content sent as a PDF or external document via email to clients?

No. Clients receive emails at a frequency that they have selected in their settings, and all articles are hyperlinked back to the Site.

8. How does Smartkarma prevent the incorporation of material non­public information or other possible market manipulation on its platform?

Smartkarma maintains a multi­pronged approach to address this critical issue:

● First, upon joining Smartkarma, each Insight Provider signs an agreement which states that material, non­public information is never to be shared on Smartkarma in any capacity. Smartkarma's Terms of Use specifically forbid a member to
○ act in any unlawful manner, including in a manner that could be deemed to violate applicable laws by touting or hyping an investment, manipulating securities or other investment prices or markets;
○ employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud any person in connection with an investment,
○ make any untrue statement of a material fact relating to an investment or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or
○ engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person in connection with an investment. Each member agrees not to engage in any such activity and is advised that such member will lose access to the Site if he/she engages in any such activity.

● Second, upon the submission of any User Content to Smartkarma, each member must click through a series of checkboxes including one stating that the investment content they are sharing in no way incorporates material, non­public information or violates applicable law.
● Finally, Smartkarma has a designated Compliance Officer who is authorised to read every piece of User Content posted on the Site and such Compliance Officer conducts periodic spot­checks of User Content (both randomly and in response to specific inquiries or tips) specifically to seek out potential inclusion of material, non­public information, unsubstantiated rumors, and other potential attempts at market manipulation.

Of course, none of these steps prevent the inclusion of material, non­public information or other market manipulation and all members must be vigilant and exercise care in accessing or using information. All members must comply with their own firm's compliance policies and procedures and with applicable law. If a member believes they have identified information that may be material, non­public information (at any time, or if judged with hindsight) or other activity or information that may give rise to market manipulation, such member should contact Smartkarma immediately.

9. Does the content on the Site represent the views of Smartkarma?

The use of a company or entity name in the biographical or employment information of an Insight Provider should not be construed as an express or implied endorsement by such company or affiliate of Smartkarma. Insight Providers are not employees or under the supervision of Smartkarma. Insight Providers have agreed to be bound by the Insight Provider Agreement and have represented, among other things, that they will not disclose information that is subject to a confidentiality obligation or participate in violation of any agreements or duties owed to employers or other third parties. Smartkarma relies on the accuracy of these representations of the Insight Providers and does not necessarily seek independent verification.

10. Why are Smartkarma members required to disclose their name instead of signing up with a userid?

Smartkarma revolves around the twin principles of transparency and accountability. Fundamentally, Smartkarma believes that members of the community will be in a better position to assess the quality of information and the compliance efforts of the community if identities are disclosed. In addition, members can confirm whether a firm is registered with any regulatory agency and whether there are relevant disciplinary matters publicly disclosed about the firm. Compliance officers can be comfortable that including their firm's name will not be constituted as solicitation of investment: all Smartkarma clients upon registration acknowledge that the investment content on Smartkarma is solely for research purposes and in no way represents a solicitation.

11. Are there any hidden/additional costs and charges?

There are no additional/hidden costs and charges apart from the subscription fee for clients.

12. Does Smartkarma select the Insight Providers on the Site?

No. The Site is open to anyone who wishes to publish insight. Smartkarma, however, does track the performance of all Insight Providers and ranks them in real­time, so that clients can decide what to read.